Get it as you like
Gona's Touch, offer a range of treatments, from haircuts to facials, nail care, waxing, and makeup application. They can help you achieve your desired look and feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Packages and bundles are also available to combine multiple services.
Shampoo cut & styling - $0.00
Shampoo & cut - $0.00
Shampoo & styling - $0.00
Shampoo & curls - $0.00
Curls - $0.00
Straightened - $0.00
Hair up - $0.00
Hi/Low lights full head - $0.00
Hi/Low lights full head - $0.00
Perms - $0.00
Get 50% off on your first haircut
Sed imperdiet vivamus id aliquet, eu amet, vivamus sodales nec velit eu magna, scelerisque risus nulla at et ligula. nec feugiat pulvinar tortor imperdiet est lacus lorem urna, praesent maecenas ante ac velit nec at suspendisse, nulla
Facial Cleansing - $0.00
Facial Mask - $0.00
Facial Massage - $0.00
Facial Peel & Mask - $0.00
Curls - $0.00
Manicure - $0.00
Pedicure - $0.00
Shellac - $0.00
Manicure & Shellac - $0.00
Pedicure & Shellac - $0.00
Nam ut libero id tortor pulvinar vehicula. Vivamus pellentesque nunc quis ante dapibus, ut rhoncus nibh fringilla. Nullam lacus quam, gravida eu nisi efficitur, vehicula iaculis justo.
Donec vehicula orci nec ligula congue fermentum. Sed iaculis, est tincidunt pell dentesque prets dfium, turpis arcu sus cipit dui, vel ultrices eros urna nec sem. Nullam